Welcome to Engaging God's Word (Resources for Biblical Studies)
These are mostly podcasts of studies in biblical books from the Cove Bible Study (later called Goodbook) at the Church at Rancho Bernardo, where I taught for ten years.
Articles I've written both published and unpublished on a range of topics. Some of these are PDF downloads; others are links to copyrighted material.
Links to books I've written in the fields of biblical studies, hermeneutics, New Testament, Gospels, and Bible Translation.
These are links to a wide range of web resources.
I am University Professor of New Testament at Bethel Seminary of Bethel University, where I have served since 1994.
My passion is to serve others in such a way that they can be all that God is has called them to be. This site is set up to provide biblical studies resources for a better understanding of interpreting and applying God's word.
Article supporting meaning-based translation over against more formal versions.
All translation work is done from a certain ideological perspective. Being aware of this is the first step toward recognizing and controlling our biases.
Debates about gender language in Bible translation have often been driven by particular ideological beliefs related to the roles of men and women in the church and the home.
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